Our logo represents the bigger idea of UBC, its people and its value as a place of innovation and education. Use the logo with pride as you represent the university. UBC offers a suite of logo marks, which are described below. For detailed guidelines on how to use the logo, please refer to the Brand Identity Rules (pdf).
The alteration or misuse of the UBC logo is strictly prohibited. According to Brand Identity Policy GA7, UBC’s logos are available to all academic and administrative units — students, alumni and outside organizations may not use the logo without permission. If you require permission or need assistance using our official UBC logo, please contact Brand and Marketing.
UBC Logo
UBC Logo
UBC Primary Logo: Full Logo

The Full Logo, which is comprised of our crest and our wordmark, is our primary mark and should be used on most applications. Please ensure that the logo is reproduced at a legible size.
Secondary Logos
In instances where the space provided is too small for the full signature to be legible, or in special occasions when the use of the full signature would be unsuitable, please use one of the secondary logos. In situations where you need your unit or faculty’s name, please use a Unit Signature.
Secondary Logo: Crest

Secondary Logo: Wordmark

Secondary Logo: Letterforms

Secondary Logo: Narrow Signature

If you need to show your unit or faculty’s name with the logo, please use a unit or department logo. Brand and Marketing supplies faculties and departments with a unit logo package at no cost. Please search the directory below to see if your unit’s logo package is available for download or contact us to request a package.
Unit or Department Logos

For complete information about usage for primary, secondary and unit logos, please refer to the following guide:
Logo Downloads
UBC Full Logo
If you only want one logo file, this is the one to get. Download the CMYK version of our primary logo for print projects, and the RGB version for web and screen projects.
UBC Crest
Need just the crest? Download the CMYK version of the UBC Crest for print projects, and the RGB version for web and screen projects.
UBC Logos: Complete Design Package
This package contains the complete suite of UBC’s logos in all available colours, files types, and colour modes (PMS, CMYK and RGB). With over 50 files in the package, it’s ideal for those who will be working with UBC’s brand on various platforms and for multiple projects.
UBC Logos: Web and Screen Essentials Package
This package contains the a selection of logos that have been specifically set up for screen and website use. All files are in RGB mode.
UBC Logos: Microsoft Office Essentials Package
This package contains logos that have been specifically set up for desktop publishing applications, such as Word, Powerpoint, Pages and Keynote. All files are in RGB mode.
Unit and Department Logos
Unit and Department Logos
Unit and Department Logos
Brand and Marketing has created logos for all unit and departments at UBC. These logos can be downloaded by UBC Faculty and Staff. If you can’t find your unit or department’s logo in the folder below, please contact Brand and Marketing.
Visual Identity Rules
Brand Identity Rules
Brand Identity Rules
Download the rule book for details about the UBC brand visual identity.
UBC Coat of Arms Policy
The University Ceremonies Office, in collaboration with Communications and Marketing, holds stewardship of the university’s Coat of Arms and the Motto. Please review these guidelines before using the UBC Coat of Arms.