Triple C
Triple C is a series of bi-monthly communications-related workshops that aims to build capacity, community and consistency among communications staff from both UBC campuses. Communicators come together to learn from one another, strengthen communication skills and build relationships. Email with a request to be put on the mailing list.
UBC Social Media Meetup Group
The Social Media Meetup Group is a community of practice for UBC staff who manage official social media channels. If you’d like to join the group and attend meetings, please complete the following form.
CreativeMornings Vancouver
Inspiring Talks — Ongoing series at SFU Woodward’s — Goldcorp Centre for the Arts
Registration is free. You must sign up on the ticket lottery for each talk.
Needing some creative inspiration in the morning? Sign up for a CreativeMorning talk. Past speakers have included a shoe designer, a chocolatier, and a Whitecaps FC player. The Vancouver chapter of CreativeMornings is organized and hosted by Mark Busse ( and his dedicated team of volunteers as a creative community engagement initiative of the BC chapter of Graphic Designers of Canada (GDC).
The Art of Video Interviews
LinkedIn Learning courses are free for UBC faculty & staff. Sign up for free access here.
Find out how to prepare for, organize, and conduct great video interviews. Learn about performing background research before you “set foot on set,” positioning the subject in front of the camera, building trust, avoiding common mistakes in questioning, capturing secondary audio for use in a podcast, and much more.
Writing Fundamentals: The Craft of Story
Online | Free
Dig into the craft of writing a compelling story, with practical how-to advice and before-and-after writing samples. This LinkedIn Learning class is open to UBC faculty and staff.
Hootsuite Academy: Social Marketing Training
Develop fundamental social marketing skills to drive real business results. Learn how to optimize your social media profiles, create a strategy and grow an online community. You will also discover content marketing and social advertising fundamentals.
Become a Front-End Web Developer
LinkedIn Learning courses are free for UBC faculty & staff. Sign up for free access here.
Get the skills to build engaging, interactive user experiences on the web as a front-end web developer. Learn everything you need to design and develop user-facing code, and discover how to bring concepts to life on the browser canvas by combining essential graphic design and coding principles. Develop competency with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery. Master basic version control with Git and GitHub. Apply best practices in responsive design and progressive enhancement.
The Elements of Effective Photographs
LinkedIn Learning courses are free for UBC faculty & staff. Sign up for free access here.
The course explores compositional elements that guide a viewer’s eye, including the rule of thirds; leading lines, patterns, and curves; and depth of field. You will learn how to work with the natural light, and how to create simple lighting. Finally, you will gain tips on how to capture the essence or emotion of a subject or scene.